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The Energy of Love - February 2024

The Energy of Love


We can tell we are in the Energy of love when we feel passion for something or someone, like our heart skips a beat with excitement!

Think of something that brings great joy.

Can't you just feel your heart smiling?


I LOVE when that happens!!


But what if we feel a bit dull, disconnected, or down-right pain in our heart space? Is there hurt there, or story that we have been telling ourselves and believing?


(Note to self - we are NOT our experiences, our emotions or subconscious programs that keeps us in fear or not feeling good enough)


Or, what if you have just suffered a great loss and your heart feels like it will never be the same? Grief is a process that is totally individual so no time-frame is the same. However, can you breathe more and more love, compassion and empathy into your own heart? Can you imagine it opening, even a tiny bit? Can you feel in the depths of your soul that everything is in it's Divine Order, even if our human side doesn't understand that?

It is a tall and difficult order for sure. The benefits of allowing love and compassion to bathe that tender, aching heart will bring the space needed for healing,

in Divine Timing.


For help....

Call in the 'Energy of Love' to surround and fill you, and your energetic bodies! (Auric Field)


There is a real thing called a "Heart-Wall" in the practice that I do with The Body Emotion Code, developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson.

I have worked with so many clients that have multiple layers (up to 23) of trapped physical balls of energy

called Trapped Emotions, that our Subconscious Mind has built up around our physical heart to protect it from actually breaking. Many of these start early in life and we don't even consciously remember it, but, they can continue piling up throughout our lives which makes it difficult to really feel the love that is our natural state of being.


When there are energy balls trapped anywhere in our bodies, it messes with our organs, tissues, glands, etc. They disrupt the natural pathways of energies that run up and down our bodies.

This in turn causes inflammation, pain and general



These Trapped Emotions are surprisingly easy to detect and release with the use of this program. There is no need to go back into the telling of the stories or traumas so it is not talk therapy.

(You can read more about it on my website or contact me to find out more!)


Sound or Vibrational Therapy is also helpful to move these stuck energies!


Our main purpose in this earthly experience is to create the life we want, feel ALL kinds of stuff, have fun, be in joy and be in the

Energy of Love that -

IS us, is IN us and SURROUNDS us.


I know this all sounds a bit simplistic, yet with daily practice of being consciously aware of how we are feeling, we stop telling the old stories that keeps us in a low vibrational frequency, and come into the powerful

NOW Moment, breathe deep and choose a better feeling thought, we will attract more of the magic, miracles and good stuff.


The energy of love is really all about truly embracing who we TRULY are, and that IS the love energy.

Find joy and gratitude in everything we can.

And for goodness sake, let's not beat ourselves up when we don't feel like we have had our most stellar day or moment.

Find humor instead!


Remember that the joy is in the journey, there is no end game other than loving ourselves and sending that energy out from our

beautiful heart space.

Everyone benefits from the simple act of LOVE.






Join me this month of February for

Sound Healing Experiences:


Add on Session: Tuesday, 13th

Thursday, 15th(sorry, already full)

6pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street




Wednesday, February 28th, 6pm, $25

at Create Balance Holistic Center, 1910 Fruitville Pk, 2nd Floor

(This will be an event that is being Video Recordered for my website. Don't worry, you do not have to be shown if not desired)


Please RSVP me directly or on my website

(I can accommodate 11 people comfortably)





Book your own private Sound Healing Party either here at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, or at the location of your choice.




Book a private session to release trapped emotions, old patterns, stories and stuck energies.



Feel free to contact me directly 717-951-1637 or

book on my website below:   


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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