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The Energy of Peace - March 2024

The Energy of Peace

The word Peace has been coming into my awareness a lot lately!

In fact, the picture above is from one of many decks -

Wisdom or the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.


It came up multiple times recently when I asked Spirit while pulling Oracle cards what my lesson from a particular upcoming event was for.

I was thinking well ok... but why does this Peace card message keep flying out of the deck?

I usually feel pretty peaceful. And then, I thought well no, that is not really true. I have had a ton of anxiety in the past couple of weeks about this upcoming event that I had to do.

I had to own that feeling of anxiety, see it, feel it and breathe through that uncomfortable feeling that was most definitely NOT peaceful.


I do trust that all is well and I do know that everything always works out for me. But, I had to remember to keep coming back to the present moment where I had a choice to not go down the rabbit hole of the story.

(I'm not just whistling Dixie when I tell you guys this stuff, I have to do it too!)


So here I am right in the midst of what I had the anxiety over, and seriously,

I wasted a you-know-what-load of energy and sleepless nights when everything really did work out for me!


Upon pondering in the last couple of days what this month's lesson was going to be about, here comes that word Peace again. This time it comes at the perfect time in the form of a candle which is called

Inner Peace made in Spencer, NY

(whaaat? maiden name is Spencer).


Then I remembered a dream that I had the night before where my 2 Aunts on the Spencer side said to me

"We have been watching you for quite some time".

Alrighty then....I KNOW this is a sign from Spirit.


On to the Peace...

What is it, how do I get it and most importantly how can I keep it, embody it and feel it more of the time?


The Wisdom of the Oracle Deck says it is:

Freedom from attachment and radical acceptance.


What does that mean?

It means that everything in your life is exactly how it should be.

It just IS.


True peace comes from within and starts with acceptance. Acceptance is the art of letting go of the need to control or change things that are beyond our control. (I can be a bit of a control freak, but I am aware of that and

am learning to loosen that Virgo trait.


Remember that our Birth Chart says a lot about our personalities and tendencies. That is a whole other animal to discuss some day).


It all boils down to being in a constant state of present, conscious awareness and choosing what best serves us and the whole.

It also means letting go of resistance and judgement.

(More work to practice).


Making a scary story out of something, like I was doing, was causing me great suffering until I remembered to keep coming back and that it was my choice to open my heart, breathe and trust that whatever the experience was going to be, it was going to be perfect.


5 tips to achieve more peace:


1). Go into nature or at least look outside and remember that it doesn't fight the new upcoming season, it just accepts it.


2). Write down the fear that is keeping you from peace, explore the cause behind the cause. Send love to it and that version of you.

You don't have to go back and fix anything.


3). Take a few minutes, multiple times a day, to quiet your mind.

A Majick trick by author R.J. Spina is:

look straight ahead and say

"my eyes are not attached to my brain".

It is almost impossible to think what you do this.


The more we can quiet the monkey brain throughout the day, the more peace you will feel because there is no story attached.

Keep practicing....

It feels so good!


4). Come to a Sound Healing Experience with me where you receive a huge jump start of that peaceful feeling of being in harmony with your true essence, which is peace.

Watch how your life gets easier and more magical! 



I AM peace

I am aligned with peace

I know peace

I feel peace

I claim peace!!!


We are already peace, joy, magic and harmony

when we just stop fighting it!


So much love, grace and peace to all!!!




Join me this month of March for

Sound Healing Experiences:


1). Pop Up (additional) Session:

Wednesday, 6th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street 


2). Pop Up (additional) Session:

Wednesday, 20th

12 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


3). Regular Monthly Session

Thursday, 21st

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


4). Regular Monthly Session

Wednesday, 27th

6 pm, $25

at Create Balance Holistic Center, 1910 Fruitville Pk, 2nd Floor


Please RSVP me directly or on my website

(I can accommodate 12 people at either of these locations)



Book your own private Sound Healing Party either at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, or at the location of your choice.




Book a private session to release trapped emotions, old patterns, stories and stuck energies. 


Feel free to contact me directly 717-951-1637 or

book on my website below:   


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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