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The Energy of The Divine Feminine - May 2024

In the month of May, we all think of our mothers. Whether they raised us, were step moms, foster, emotionally present, the best, or not so great, we are brought into that energy of remembering her due to the Mother's Day holiday firmly planted in the collective's mind and awareness in the month of May.


Whether we are female or male, we all carry the energy of both the Divine Goddess Feminine, as well as the Divine Masculine.

(Spoiler month, you guessed it, the Divine Masculine will take center stage in accordance of Father's Day).


The feminine energy is the Yin, the moon, the creative force, the introspective and the softer energy. The way we handle situations can be both gentle, as well as strong (as shown in the beautiful Strength Tarot card above from the Light Seer's Deck) Whether you are a fierce defender against negative situations surrounding you or your loved ones like Kali Ma(the Hindu Divine Mother of Darkness, but who is very compassionate), or sweet and nurturing like Mother Mary, we can exhibit any of the feminine tendencies when necessary.


Some Divine Feminine attributes include:

Empathy, Compassion and Patience - being gentle is not a weakness but instead a beacon of strength and inspiration

Intuition - trusting your inner voice and acting upon that which serves you or another

Creativity - any form, and is felt by a strong inner nudge to do

Collaboration - ability to connect and work well with others

Emotional Intelligence - being able to see the bigger picture and viewpoints of others (even if you don't agree with it.) 

Nurturing - exuding caring qualities and care

Playful and Expressive - being in the moment, feeling into it and being able to verbalize and appreciate it

Calm and quiet strength - being able to remain present and bring help in times of need


These traits are to be observed, appreciated and cultivated, allowing us to really tap into our inner strength and purpose. 


Ways to tap in, strengthen and activate our Divine Feminine Energy within: 

Move the body - dancing, stretching, yoga, walking or anything that helps you get present in your body


Observe Mother Earth and nature - the truest form of the Divine Feminine


Be in the receptive mode - being comfortable receiving as well as giving


Soften - be more in flow with emotions, control and old thoughts, patterns and stories


Make boundaries a priority - know and honor what feels good and what doesn't


Sit in stillness - to hear the inner voice, quiet the mind from chatter. Ask the higher self or any deity, what is the next right action? Wait for an answer. It may come immediately as a word or thought. Or, it may come later in words from a song, a billboard or someone says something that hits you as the perfect message.


Left Nostril Breathing - the left side is the Feminine side, the moon, cooling, Yin, calming, introspective, intuitive side.

This is a great way to calm your mind before bedtime.

Raise your right hand and block the right side nostril with your thumb. Begin to breathe long, slow and deep through the left nostril.

Do for 1-3 minutes. Feel how calm and peaceful you are!


In this month of May, pay attention on how and where you exhibit any of these Divine Feminine traits. Are you tuning in more directly to your inner voice, relying on your gut instincts and making decisions by your intuitive wisdom?


 A helpful tip is to come back to breath and presence, and pause before reacting. Instead, respond from a place of

complete awareness. The more we are in that space of presence, the better we feel, the more flow we are in, and the more we attract wellness and goodness!


Next month we will learn about the counterbalance with the Divine Masculine.


It is one of our super powers to have a perfect balance of these two energies!!


Also, give gratitude to Mother Earth, dear Gaia, who feeds us, clothes us and transmutes our emotions, way more than we know!

Walk barefoot on her lush carpet of grass and feel your connection to her. Walking barefoot can heal so much of our un-wellness that has been accumulated from electronic devices. It also helps with reducing inflammation, improve sleep and circulation.



So much love, grace and gratitude to all!!!




Join me this month of May for

Sound Healing Experiences:


1). Pop-Up (additional) Session:

 Thursday, 2nd

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street 


2). Pop-Up (additional) Session:

Wednesday, 8th

Noon, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


3). Pop-Up (additional) Session:

Wednesday, 8th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


4). Regular Monthly Session

Thursday, 16th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


5). Regular Monthly Session

Wednesday, 22nd

6 pm, $25

at Create Balance Holistic Center, 1910 Fruitville Pk,

2nd Floor 


6). Pop-Up (additional) Session:

Wednesday, 29th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


Please RSVP me directly or on my website

(I can accommodate 12 people at either of these locations)



Book your own private Sound Healing Party either at

Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, or at the location of your choice.




Book a private session to release trapped emotions, old patterns, stories and stuck energies. 


Feel free to contact me directly 717-951-1637 or

book on my website below:   


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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