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The Energy of Thought - April 2024

The Energy of Thought

Think Spring - oh what a lovely thought!


Blooming buds, singing birds, planning summer outings, and planting gardens are all the energy thoughts of

 new, fresh, fun and beginnings.


Don't we feel so good when our thoughts are pleasing? Why?

The reason for that is that we are in alignment with our true nature.


But, how long can you hold those beneficial vibrations of happy thoughts before worry and old stories take over?

Ah, that is the question for sure!


Did you know that your thoughts are not just affecting you in the tiny recesses of your mind? We think no big deal if I am bashing myself or anyone else for that matter in our internal chatter.


Thoughts are ENERGY

Energy can not be destroyed.

So every thought is an energy form floating around out in the Universe.

 (don't be scared, be aware!)

It is our collective thoughts that are especially powerful in shaping the happenings on our planet.

But, it all starts with those tiny thoughts that we are having.


What we put our attention on grows and is attracting more of the same back to us. Knowing this may inspire us to pay attention to what you are putting your precious

energy thoughts on!


Understanding the power of the thought can help direct the future. We can either be thinking how abundant and grateful we are and in turn, attract more of that to us. Or, we can be thinking how we are lacking in some way or the ever popular, I AM statement______________ or

I have_________________________

(fill in any word like... not worthy, unwell, not smart, a disease) and low and behold, the Universe delivers evidence of that frequency.


Our bodily conditions are the sum of our thoughts.

Think about that?!


Remember that you are NOT your illness, emotion or past traumas.

Anything after I AM or I HAVE is an affirmation.


Catch yourself when you are telling those stories to yourself or others. Remember that a belief is just a story that you keep telling. Can you tell a new story like,

I am healthy, I am smart, I have wellness in my body?

My life and body are getting better and stronger everyday.

It doesn't matter if you are saying the words out loud, or just having thoughts, everything counts towards what we are creating.


Knowing that everything in the Universe, including our body and even inanimate objects are vibrating conscious awareness, allows us to choose how we want to think and speak to them. Just like a plant or flower grows beautifully and healthy when we think internally or speak to it with love and kindness. Or when we say to our hips or hair, eww yuck, I loathe you, they respond in a low and sad vibration.


Be like your cat, dog or house plant. They are not sitting around thinking how much they hate their fur or what a mess it is today, or geez, my life would be so much more fulfilled if only I was planted in a better pot. How embarrassing is this??? Everyone must be talking about me. Ahhhhhh NOT!



6 ways to catch and flip your thoughts:


1). Put reminder stickers around where you will see them to remind you of how important and powerful thoughts are. Check in with often throughout the day to where the thoughts are. Do they feel good or yukky?


2). Be in gratitude. Our vibrational frequency can not help but to raise in this emotional state, once again, giving evidence that all is well. We want to have more and more lovely thoughts when we are in appreciation as Law of Attraction gets on a roll after at least 17 seconds really anchoring us in to attracting more of what we desire. And, we feel good because we are in alignment with our true self, not in resistance and therefore holding ourselves away from well-being or abundance.


3). Choose a more satisfying thought to shift vibrationally.

Find more things that bring satisfaction and focus on them. Let's not beat up on ourselves when we have moments of unbridled, raw emotion, as they are important to show us where we are. It is also known as the process of expansion, when we know what we don't want, we know what we do want so it is a good thing. Just try not to stay on thinking the things that takes us down the rabbit hole of negative and low vibration. Dance, sing, or do anything to remind us of the power of choice.


4) Ask to be shown and notice old ways of reacting so that we may choose to raise to a higher level of self-awareness. Life becomes magical when we allow these small but mighty changes to occur.

Remember that our Higher Self and Spirit Team want to help us to release those old thought patterns and help us come into alignment with the joy that we truly are.


5). Practice being in No-thought. We don't have to call it meditation, but even short periods of a quiet mind can help release resistance and shift our lives dramatically. Being in no- thought, where there are no stories or dramas being hashed out, will instantly take us into that high vibration making attracting good things in our life to happen easily.


6). Come to a Sound Healing session or private session with me to get powerful clearings and teachings on how to be in the best vibrational alignment with the truest expression of the Inner Being, the REAL us.


All of these tiny changes takes practice, patience, compassion and self-love. Make sure that you are being kind to yourself most of all!



So much love, grace and peace to all!!!




Join me this month of April for

Sound Healing Experiences:


1). Pop Up (additional) Session:

 Wednesday, 3rd

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street 


2). Regular Monthly Session

Thursday, 18th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


3). Pop Up (additional) Session:

Tuesday, 23rd

12 noon pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


4). Regular Monthly Session

Wednesday, 24th

6 pm, $25

at Create Balance Holistic Center, 1910 Fruitville Pk,

2nd Floor 


5). Pop Up (additional) Session:

Tuesday, 30th

12 noon pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


6). Pop Up (additional) Session:

Tuesday, 30th

6 pm, $25

at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, 206 N Broad Street


Please RSVP me directly or on my website

(I can accommodate 12 people at either of these locations)



Book your own private Sound Healing Party either at Shivaya Healing Arts Studio, or at the location of your choice.




Book a private session to release trapped emotions, old patterns, stories and stuck energies. 


Feel free to contact me directly 717-951-1637 or

book on my website below:   


Love, Blessings and Gratitude,




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