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Corporate Sound Healing Experience

Give your employees the gift of health and clarity

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Customer's Place

About This Service

Helping your employees live and operate at their highest level is important for any business. Stressed out, tired, anxious and angry, is no way to go through the day when there are tasks to get done and clients, patients or customers to deal with. As little as 20 to 30 minutes of quieting the mind, relaxing, conscious breathing and receiving the healing vibrations of a variety of instruments that I will bring to your location, can make all the difference in the work place and world! Studies and research on the many benefits of Sound Healing or Frequency Medicine, has shown that using this technique can lower the stress levels significantly that causes dis-ease and general un-wellness. I went to a company that the workers dealt with kids with special needs. This group of workers were undoubtedly stressed! The owner of the company reported that within 2 days of the Sound Healing Experience, the entire work place had shifted. Employees were happier, calmer and nicer to one another. Who couldn't use some of that?! Pricing will depend on the number of employees.

Contact Details


206 N Broad St, Lititz, PA, USA

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