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Space and physical cleansing

A powerful, ancient way to clear away emotional and old energy in homes, offices or physical space.

1 h
From 75 US dollars
Customer's Place

About This Service

Smudging is the name given to the technique from Native North American tradition. It is the burning of certain herbs like Sage and Sweetgrass. It is just as important as an average house cleaning and should be done at the very least occasionally. Being in a space where there has been illness, arguing, depression or any negative vibration, that energy is still hanging around in the atmosphere and affects those who frequent that space. Have you ever entered a place that made you feel the creeps? That is old stagnant energy that needs to be released. If you are trying to sell a house, it is imperative to clear your energy before putting on the market so that prospective buyers can have a positive feeling and envision them in that space. Conversely, if you are moving into a new home, it is a good idea to have this technique done to ensure that you will feel that this is a place of happiness and your own sanctuary. Although this is a subtle change, our body and energy field can feel it even before your mind labels it. The effects of Smudging can be surprisingly swift and dramatic. It can also be used to attract love, soothe you or give you energy. I started my "The House Healer" business when I lived in South Carolina and had a cleaning business. It was helpful to my clients to not only have a clean home, but also an energetically cleansed home. One client had a husband who passed away in the bathroom. She and her son could not stop envisioning that awful scene. The son had a room that was absolutely and mess and in total disarray. After the Smudging, they both felt the home was no longer that dreadful memory and to her complete shock, her son cleaned up his room. Another client did not have the energy to finish some important projects after her husband passed. After her Smudging, she easily completed all the tasks. I truly believe(and use it myself almost daily, especially after clients have come or I have been our around negative conversation) , that Smudging can bring harmony, joy and a sense of lightness back into your home and lives.

Contact Details


206 N Broad St, Lititz, PA, USA

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